Both are equally valuable for survival and thrival, and they don't pertain to only one sex- both sexes use masculine and feminine compassion. No one form of compassion is better than the other, but one can intuitively sense which form is more likely to produce a desired affect depending on the situation.
They're both expressions of love, but have different characteristics based on how they deal with the ego: feminine compassion playcates to the ego and will support the illusion in order to get them to open up to other possibilities, allowing them to dissolve their ego that way, while masculine compassion breaks the illusion, often abruptly, so that false, unhealthy beliefs will be dropped in recognition of their new leaders' healthier set of beliefs. Masculine compassion is also behind the ability to take loving actions that are emotionally difficult to take.
Examples of feminine compassion:
Listening to someone talk about their problems and affirming their assumptions about themselves and reality in order to allow them to come to their own conclusions.
Examples of masculine compassion:
In prehistoric times, saving the whole tribe by killing the weakest person, preventing resources from being spread too thin.
Confronting a loved one about their poor diet and not allowing them to continue eating unhealthy food.