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The Spiral Dynamics Model is a model of the evolution of values, created by Clare W Graves, popularised by Don Beck & Christopher Cowan.
- NoFap / Sexual addictionA guy on day 6 reached out to my WhatsApp group while going through an urge. I asked him what he was doing, and he said he was watching TV, and an attractive woman appeared on the screen and gave him an urge. Here’s the conversation:إعجاب
- EmotionClearing negative emotions There are many healthy and easy ways to clear negative emotions. Some of them are shallow and don’t require effort / courage / humility: • listening to music • walking in nature • sleeping • playing an instrument • playing chess • exercise • sauna Some of them are deep and do require effort / courage / humility: • humbly talking to someone you trust (preferably a coach) about your emotions with the intent to learn something new • journaling with the intent to understand why we’re feeling negative- uncovering the specific beliefs which are causing the emotions, and having new insights which help you see things more positively • meditation can sometimes require effort, especially if we don’t feel like it, same for exercise • achieving our goals How to clear confusion Confusion can be cleared by explaining our situation to someone knowledgeable who is willing to listen to us and to help us grow, and listening to what they tell us. This requires humility because we may hear something that we do not like. We do not have to agree with what they say, but we should listen. Make sure to accurately portray your beliefs to this person so that they can reflect them back to you. Sometimes we cannot see our own beliefs, and when a person like me shows you what they are, you immediately let go of them because you see that they are unhealthy. Confusion is essentially not seeing things accurately. Not having an accurate understanding of how things are. One way to see how things truly are, is to talk with a coach, or someone who will actively listen to you with the intent to help you grow. Another way to see how things truly are is to journal with the intent to understand how things truly are. This requires humility because we might have to write things that we do not like. Oftentimes this helps people to gain clarity on their situation, but sometimes it does not, because the blind should not lead the blind. If you are still confused after journaling, show your writings to a trusted person, who will actively listen to you with the intent to help you grow. Other people will try to forcibly clear confusion for you Some people think that you are confused about your beliefs about religion, politics, identity politics, the economic, etc. and they will try make you understand their point of view. Sometimes, you are not confused, and the person who is trying to force ‘clarity’ on you is the one who is confused. Arrogance prevents us from admitting to being confused, and makes us try to force our opinion onto others. If everyone argued humbly and peacefully with each other, we’d live in a better world.إعجاب
- MeditationThis meditation is as simple as it sounds. But ‘simple’ does not always mean ‘easy’… In this fast-paced modern world, literally doing nothing at all can be quite tricky. However, with patience and diligence, you will succeed at getting the results. What are the results? Increased self-control, increased confidence, increased peace of mind. How to do it? 1. Sit comfortably with your back up straight in a quiet room. 2. Set a timer on your phone for… let’s just say 10 minutes. 👍 3. Until the timer finishes, sit peacefully and do nothing. Here comes the magic: don’t even try to stop yourself from thinking. Don’t try to stop yourself from feeling negative emotions. Don’t attack negative emotions. Literally, do, nothing. Can you do it? Do what? David… 😑 Enjoy!!إعجاب